portfolio Andy McCarthy An online portfolio to showcase the beautiful work of Co Clare based painter and sculptor – Andy Mc Carthy. launch the website project details Website design Online portfoilo...
Not For Profit Irish National Youth Ballet INYB is the premiere youth ballet company in Ireland. Funded by the Arts Council, INYB gives the best young dancers in Ireland an opportunity to train and perform in productions. They needed a new website to share news and...
ecommerce with shopify Swaggles Dog Collars Jenny offers a stylish handmade collection of dog collars, leads, bandanas and bowties. She needed a new ecommerce website she would be able to manage herself with ease. Her customers can select all kinds of custimisation...
yoga Lisa Bedford This project involved website design for Lisa Bedford – a yoga teacher based in Co Clare. Lisa needed a webiste to streamline the booking system for her online yoga classes as well as a place to showcase her amazing clay creations. launch the...
business Wanderings Wanderings is an Irish luxury campervan hire company. The website was designed as a hub of information on van holidays, travel in Ireland and the booking process. launch the website project details Website design WordPress Content Management...
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