Anya Design Studio
what i do
It’s not just about building websites. It’s about building relationships with my clients and creating amazing things together.

Web design
I will create for you a bespoke online platform to sell your products, connect with your customers or showcase your artwork. I can also update and redesign your current website to bring it up to date. I’ll take care of the ‘techy stuff’ and let you focus on your business.

I will create your Social Media channels and integrate them with your website. I can help you get started with your social media and social media strategy and advise how to navigate the exciting world of Social Platforms to promote your business online.

I provide customised WordPress and Social Media training. Whether you want to learn how to update and maintain your WordPress website or need to get a better understating of how to get the most out of your Social Media channels, let’s chat!
my recent projects
I love working with Entrepreneurs, Small to Medium Size Business Owners, Bloggers and Artists to help them build their online presence and conquer the digital world. Browse through my portfolio and have a look at some of the great things we’ve created with my amazing clients!

nice to meet you
Hi, I’m Anna, a web designer and digital marketing consultant based in Dublin, Ireland.
I’m a giant nerd for this stuff and I love meeting new people, so if you want to grab a coffee and chat about your next project or anything digital, send me a message!
What I’m best at:
web design
social media
nice things my clients say
great clients I get to work with